Adele was voted the Pop Artist of the Year by the listeners of a gay radio station, making her a gay icon. Congrats, Adele, on yet another honor. Is there anyone on this planet that doesn’t adore you?
The ‘Someone Like You’ singer nabbed 55 percent of the vote. Her closest competition? That vowed champion of the homosexual community known as Lady Gaga. The Mother Monster raked in just 10 percent the vote. A total of 4,000 listeners participated and Adele won by a landslide.

The Sun reports that Gaydar progammer Robin Crowley pointed how the cultural ramifications of winning this award, saying, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, that “Adele has numerous Grammys and Brits, but this is the accolade she’s been waiting for.”
GaGa's tour kicks off this week in Korea, and with another album in the pipeline, 2013 is sure to be Lady Gaga's year...whats that now? 2008, 2009,2010, 2013?
If you don't already have the AMAZING Adele album, '21', buy it here on Amazon, you really won't regret it!
Honestly, I don't adore Adele. I think her voice is beautiful, and I like her singing style. But omgs the songs she sings are all about how she's pining for some man that didn't treat her right, and trying to get him back even tho he's got someone else and is getting married, or how she's rubbing it in the other woman's face when he leaves the other woman and comes back to her... just in general can't do anything cause I'm broken without this man who doesn't deserve me to begin with stuff. Weak. Again, love her voice and the style of her songs, but the lyrical content is just so the epitome of the weak woman pining over the not worth it man that it is a real turn off.